How Long Does It Take To Learn Math From Scratch?

How Long Does It Take To Learn Math From Scratch

Mathematics is perhaps the most frightening individual subject of all academic circles. Succeeding at math takes effort. Unfortunately, many students missed classes and some homework, and then came the time for exams when they were unprepared and anxious. To grow in math, you need to make decisions that will succeed, overcome your obstacles, and dedicate yourself to your efforts.

The importance of teaching math to our children cannot be overlooked. Basic math skills, such as understanding subtraction, addition, multiplication, fractions, division, and percentages, are basic life skills. We use these skills every day, without thinking too much about them.

How long does it take to learn math from scratch?

No one knows the entire math; apparently, it will take an infinite amount of time. If you are trying to get to the point where you can do math research, it can take ten years to finish your studies.

The school year is approximately 43 weeks. Suppose a student receives 5 hours of math lessons per week. Therefore, for each academic year, students will receive 215 hours of math classes from 1st to 12th grade, that student will have 2580 hours of math classes accumulated.

As a general rule, for every 1 hour, you spend in class, you will spend 3 hours out of class studying / reviewing what you have learned. Therefore, to learn math from zero (1st grade) through 12th grade, you will need 10,320 hours to study math.

Add another 3,264 hours, and you’ll have enough maths to earn an engineering degree.

Therefore, to answer your questions, you will need 10,320 hours to complete 1st to 12th-grade math or 13,584 hours of math if you want to become an engineer from scratch.

Of course, if you want to learn the entire math that exists in the world, it will take hours of your life.

Why do I forget math so easily?

Have you questioned yourself, why do I forget math so easily? However, it’s normal for you to forget, but I think you’re trying to memorize math. That’s why you forgot math so quickly.

Memory decays, and when math is involved, it decays faster

It is very important to practice and understand the concept because you can’t forget what you understand very well. Mathematics is not something you can only see and practice once and remember it for the rest of your life. Our brains are programmed to forget things, and if you don’t, they tend to forget that step. After you practice enough, math problems get into your brain.

But this is not the end of the world. You will have the mathematical knowledge to take with you. the math tricks and tips will never go away.

Let yourself be “Crumbs” as you traverse the math path. You will always forget the right details. But if you leave a note to yourself (book writing, handwriting, Study notes, calculation), you can quickly support yourself. For example, you cannot find your home key. But you know you’re leaving it in the TV room, that’s where you first look.

Like math, the problem in front of you reminds you of something you did five years ago. You can’t count now, so you open your old book and come up with a handwritten summary of the chapter you read. Find you have a loop similar to what you are doing now.

Were it not for those notes or the experience gained from processing that book, and you would have spent two, three, and four times as much time trying to figure out what is in front of you.

How Long Does It Take To Learn Math From Scratch

How can I avoid forgetting what I studied in math?

Various reasons make people forget math’s easily

As children, we found it difficult to calculate sums and multiplications. But in the end, with enough practice, the sums of the common numbers are easy.

Not taking math seriously

It’s one of the reasons people struggle with math is that they don’t take it seriously. They think it is okay to do wrong calculations or laugh at them. Take this matter seriously, although you don’t have to feel lousy struggling with math, the potential in doing math helps improve the reasoning skills. Accept the math instead of ignoring it in order to avoid stress from mental math. Learning math will benefit you.

Learning disorder

Even with learning difficulties, you can improve your math skills through proper practice and understanding. Don’t be discouraged; you’re not just bad at math. You have to practice.

Thinking you are not good at math

Many people believe that they are not good at math. This can make a person less dedicated to their work to improve. Understand that it is a myth that people have a natural tendency towards mathematics. Studies show that everyone can learn math with little work.

Some people have an innate mathematical talent. This can give them a head start, and they can learn faster in primary school. Most studies suggest that working hard can improve your math skills and your natural inclination. Hard work can pay off longer than innate skills.

Can you become good at math later in life?

Yes, you can. Many people feel that they are not good at math and will not improve in this field. This is not true. Studies have shown that learning math is as difficult a job as your innate skills. Take the time every day in practicing and perfecting math until the concept pops up for you. If necessary, seek help from friends or even a tutor, teacher.

You can also look for a skilled mathematician to help you, that way you will have better chances of improving your skills. You need to develop a positive attitude toward math. A lot of people have a lost attitude about it and tend to think that “I’m not good at math right now, so I won’t be,” I understand that’s not the case. Most people can improve their math by working hard.


Here are some guidelines to ensure you become good at math’s, increase your understanding capacity and reduce your math forgetting rate:

Distraction-free environment is suitable for studying.

For those who are not good at math, make sure you study in an environment that allows you to concentrate. Before you sit down and practice, find a place free of outside stimuli that can be distracting.

  • Find an area that doesn’t have a lot of noise or annoyance. A quiet cafe can work or a desk in your bedroom.
  • Reduce distractions before you Disconnect from the internet and leave the phone away.
  • If you like music during your studies, choose instrumental music. Music with very loud lyrics or songs can be distracting while studying.

Learn the logic and processes involved in problem-solving

Mathematical sequence, many people feel the need in memorizing formulas and concepts or assign answers in their heads before starting. It doesn’t work; instead, try to understand the concept behind math. If you see how and why equations work, you will remember them more quickly in no time.

The theory of mathematics may seem complicated. But with a little hard work, you can find out. In math class, please ask why. Why does the Pythagorean Theorem work? How do quadratic equations work at a logical level?

Understanding the basics is more effective than simple memorization. If you understand something deeply, it will be easier to work with it.

Take time to practice every day.

It’s no real secret about math skills. It all depends on dedication. Practicing every day will help you to understand the basic math concepts and also will increase your math score. Keep to the schedule. See where you can organize your study time every day. Maybe you’ll have some time in the evening. For example, you can plan to study math from 6 to 7 every night after dinner.

Try not to study for many hours at a time.

This can create stress. Study for an hour, then take a rest before beginning another.


Motivated practice is the only way to improve your math skills and reduce forgetting math concept in the long run. Mathematics is not about memorization. It’s a creative science. There is no magic trick to improve your skills overnight.

Be motivated. Track your studies and get help when you need it. Learn math by understanding, not memorizing, because you can’t forget what you understand very well. With time and dedication, you can become a great mathematician.


Sources: Basic Mathematics

4 thoughts on “How Long Does It Take To Learn Math From Scratch?

  1. Nyx says:

    Hi I just wanted to share that this statement, “As a general rule, for every 1 hour, you spend in class, you will spend 3 hours out of class studying / reviewing what you have learned,” while true for college courses (which tend not to meet every day), is not true for younger children who attend math every day. their courses are designed to throw off less homework than this. Imagine a first grader doing an extra 3 hours of math homework every day! while high school students may be expected to do some homework, it cannot be 3 hours for every hour of coursework. There aren’t enough hours in the day for this, as they only have about 5 or 6 hours per day after school, and they have other homework, not to mention needs besides doing homework, such as exercise and eating.

  2. Sam says:

    Thanks for this post. I’ve been looking for a way to get back at math. Math has been my worst nightmare ever since childhood. I got big Fs in my math exams. At last I gave up, I didn’t study it again for many years now. But there’s this thing in me that always draw my attention to it, there’s this part in me that love math and really wish I can be good at it. The more I resent it the more the love for it grow stronger in me. So I thought looking up the internet maybe I can find something helpful and here I stumbled on this nice piece. You don’t mind recommending me some textbooks I can start with? Something beginner-friendly. Thanks once again.

    • Rania Nabih says:

      Hi Sam, I’m not sure what your level is. I’m starting this maths journey as well and for me I’m starting from absolute basics. Here are a few books I recommend in addition to an online free course I’m currently using which is very engaging.
      Year 5 excel mathematics study guide
      year 6 excel advanced mathematics study guide (the rest go into algebra)
      Any excel books are pretty good and go step by step in great depth

      Lecture content:
      EDX course- SchoolYourself:Introduction to Algebra

      EDX course- SchoolYourself : Introduction to Geometry

      Hope this helps and good luck on your journey!

  3. James P Roscoe says:

    The best way i learned math was on my own outside of a formal institution. I also managed to learn it far faster as i was now slowed down by the pace and structure of the class. For example I taught myself calculus 1,2 ,and 3 in 4 months. From my experience the 3 hours of study for every hour of class time is nonsense.

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